Our Purpose
The purpose of the Mariemont Preschool Parents Group (MPPG) is to provide activities for preschool age children and a forum for parental education, discussion, and social interaction.
Despite the group’s name, membership is not restricted to residents of Mariemont. We welcome anyone with a child who has not yet entered kindergarten, or is expecting and is interested in meeting other parents.
Members are required to serve on one committee of their choice as well as the annual Luminaria fundraiser committee. Please visit our Luminaria page to learn more about this treasured village tradition. MPPG committee sign-ups take place during the Opening Meeting, usually held in early September.
Annual membership dues are currently $125* and includes all events except the couples events, special meeting events.
*Dues are subject to change for the 2024-25 year following our annual budget and membership review.
Join today by filling out a membership form at www.mariemontppg.com/join
Mariemont Preschool Parents Group is not affiliated businesses, religious beliefs, or political beliefs.