Luminaria Kit 2024 Online Sales Form

  • Village of Mariemont Annual Luminaria Night

    Saturday, December 7nd, 2024, 5:30-8:00 pm

    Join your neighbors, family, and friends for a festive night as luminaries light up the Village of Mariemont! This year, plan to see Santa as he makes his grand entrance at the Old Town Square! Proceeds will benefit charitable projects within the community.

    Each luminaria kit includes 12 white luminary bags, 12 candles, 1 bag of sand for weighting the bags, and a Luminaria program. Luminaria kits will be delivered to your home in late November.

    Deadline to order your kits is Friday, October 25th. .

    A limited number of kits will also be available for purchase at the Boy Scout Christmas Tree Sale (located at the Mariemont Municipal Building/Firehouse) on November 29th to December 1st and December 7th from 12-4pm.

    RETURNING THIS YEAR - LUMINARIA TREE LIGHTING DRAWING!!! Purchase tickets below for a chance to light the Christmas tree in the Old Town Square the night of Luminaria! The winner will have the opportunity to stand onstage with Mayor Bill Brown to do the countdown and lighting of the tree!

    RETURNING THIS YEAR: HOUSE DECORATING CONTEST!!! Channel your inner Clark Griswold and show us your skills! Judging will take place on Luminaria night. This year there will be 3 winners that will be awarded a gift card to a local business. The top winner will also be featured in next year's program. Sign up below!

    ALSO RETURNING THIS YEAR: THE CARRIAGE RIDE around Old Town Square!!! Pre-purchase your tickets with your Luminaria kit below!

    Please contact Cassidy Beals with any questions:

  • Price: $20.00
  • Price: $20.00
  • Price: $1.00
    If you'd prefer to donate a custom dollar amount directly towards the 2023 Luminaria fundraising please note that here.
  • Price: $5.00
    Purchase tickets for a chance for you or a member of your family to light the Mariemont Christmas tree in the Old Town Square the night of Luminaria! Each ticket purchased equals one chance to win. The winner of the drawing will be printed in the Official Luminaria Program.
    This year we will be offering a monetary prize for the winner!
  • Price: $4.00
    Pre-pay for your carriage ride through Old Town Square. You can pre-pay today and pick up your ticket at the pre-registration booth the night of Luminaria! It is cash only day-of and the price per ticket will be $5 per person! If pre-paid, your name will be on a list at the event booth in Old Town Square. (PLEASE NOTE: children 2 and under are free!)
  • $0.00
  • * includes online processing fees

    You must hit 'submit' and complete your payment through PayPal in order to fully process the transaction.